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Everything posted by Gretta

  1. Open Gift of the Gods and Gift of Odin. Magic Crystals, these can massively boost your BP, these Crystals are gained each 5 waves in the Labyrinth as a part of the mystery chest choice. The game will guide you to place them into their sockets, or as replacements for previous ones, it will automatically change to each piece of Odins armor Highlighted is the crystal that can be replaced. You will also receive Processing stones and Processing seals, this is how you use them. In Gifts of Odin open the 2nd Upgrade tab. Highlighted is the Odins armor I have chosen to upgrade. Next chose the crystal you wish to upgrade. Will show you how many Processing Stones you have in total and how many of them are needed to upgrade the crystals stats. This shows how many Processing seals you have. When you click on Upgrade it will show you the new stats (Circled) if they are red you would lose that amount of BP and stats already collected on the crystal. When you have a stat showing in green, click the save button and it will update the stat for that crystal. You can continue this process over each crystal in every piece of your Odins Armor. Game hint: If you do not wish to take the chance of increasing your gear if you do not have security stones, simply place your stars in storage and you will not receive the notification on your screen every 10 minutes. As always enjoy the game and feel free to message me if you need help with anything. Gretta (S6)
  2. Stop the auto -Pilot

    Is there any chance there can be introduced a way to turn the auto-pilot off?... I find it insanely annoying, Trying to concentrate on things i'm doing when auto fighting monsters with stats flying all around the screen drives me to distraction. So much so I go and hide in a dungeon, just so everything remains still. That and some parts of world map are 'busier' than others, I tend to remain in twilight land because I can still get star shards but i'm at least on my own there.
  3. Flame Elementals

    I have been playing since November last year, I'm VIP 4 and haven't recharged since last christmas lol... I have a grand total of 146 Athena Sword fragments and 24 Arthurs Grail fragments.. So i'm going to be playing for a very long time LOL
  4. Arsenal and Temple of Light.

    Arsenal. You can now also level up your Arsenal and add skills to help boost character Stats. You can gain these through Temple of Light. 1: You will find Temple of Light in your Personal Dungeon. 2: I have completed Temple of Light but if your first time in it will say challenge, after that you will be able to blitz it up to a certain point each day and then you can enter to carry on challenging the waves of monsters. 3: There are 100 waves of monsters in Temple of Light, every 5 waves you complete you will receive an extra reward. 4: This will list the ranking showing how far you have completed in levels. The rewards for Temple of Light are shown at the bottom. 1: Once you have finished in Temple of Light open the chests containing the arsenal crystals. 2:This shows you how many Arsenal Crystals you have. 3: Click on auto to use the crystals this will help you level up Arsenal. 4: Shows the skills you have in place. 1: These slots show you which skills you have on at present, you can change them for other skills once you have collected the ones you wish to use. 2: Shows you the skills you have collected, these can also be seen in your bag. As always any question please feel free to message me, and enjoy the game! Gretta S6.
  5. Lost BP?

    Anything like this needs to be taken up with support so the tech team can look into it, any supporting evidence you can supply should be posted with your support ticket. Server ranking update each hour, Cross server updates each day at 12:00 reset.
  6. Flame Elementals

    Ah i think it must be orcos then he does have those gift of deaths, unless someone else has them too.... wow!!
  7. Flame Elementals

    I have been wondering this too, as you say they do seem to come in like Skeleton Mage, I have only seen it once and I was wondering if perhaps it was connected to the mount Innes? I can't check properly because when i open mount tab half of it is behind the screen so I can't see any details. The person i think may have it is on Server 4, I'm on server 6 and can't see anything here that it may be other than that.
  8. Suggestion

    You can open storage slots for 30 zirconia each.
  9. Moderation - from Player to staff

    Dear Player, I have passed on this information to the managers before with regards to creating other floors, other dungeons etc, as I believe it will help many players, but as Thomas has said we are only moderators, we can and do pass on this information when it is raised on the forums.
  10. Huge Content Update!

    Hi Klokworx I'm level 320 and have been for some time, I'm not sure at what level you get some of the current dungeons etc that you can do, but keep an eye open for any news and if you are on Facebook there is a page there you can follow for news on future events.
  11. Game Glitches or Bugs

    I agree with Thomas, they must surely be aware of this so they either will be doing the event again or are leaving them till an update and they will all be taken off bosses etc..
  12. Please use this thread responsibly. Report issues regarding the game here, Anything that is happening on serves to more than one individual. These issues can then be reviewed by managers and passed on to devs and the Technical team. Thank you. Gretta (s6)
  13. Game Mania

    I have to thank you for a great event, I really enjoyed that... please have it again it had plenty of useful items in it
  14. Hey Thomas. He will get back to you as soon as he can, he's a busy man.
  15. Arsenal skills

    The skills can be upgraded each time you level up Arsenal, challenge in Temple of Light to get Arsenal crystals that you will need to level up. Once you leveled up Arsenal you will be able to place a sill in the newly opened skill slot, you will also pick up the skills from the Temple of Light.
  16. Title(s)

    It does seem to be an ongoing glitch, I stopped using them a long time ago too.
  17. Suggestions

    I seem to be coming across a lot of people with gold that can't spend fast enough.... I have over 245 million in gold. Could it be considered that we have a gold 'shop' that we can buy resources from?.. and a possible add of resources in Arena, I've 231010 arena points with nothing to really spend it on.. just a thought.
  18. How to get so much bp

    I haven't got any more XP spheres, I simply click the do not remind and thats that sorted for the day
  19. Reporting bullies.

    Hello Lovelies. I've had a long think about this and I think its a far better idea to report things like bullying and cheating in game to message me directly rather than posting up about it on the forum. As has been seen the very same bullies are watching the forums for reactions, and they are getting them, so with that said I do not think fueling them further is going to help anyone targeted by them. Secondly I don't think naming and shaming in this way is going to do anything but have them target you even more. Please understand that I am only a moderator on this forum, I can and do pass information on to the managers, but it is up to them as to what happens after that. So any other screen shots etc.. please now message me with it all. Thanks guys
  20. How to get so much bp

    I'm maxed at level 320 now too on S6 .. just a smidge over 32 million BP and only this last week finished my sets, took a long time lol
  21. Bigtime bug exploiter on s29

    The more you can all get on him the better, Its obvious to me now that he's going to try and goad and taunt all of you , but that's just making it worse for him. Nobody should feel threatened in the game .. it is supposed to be fun for you all, I'm glad none of you are answering back to him now.
  22. Bigtime bug exploiter on s29

    Your friend should block him on FB. It didn't take me long to find him on there. If he is reading this he should be aware that your friend will have proof of his behavior so I strongly suggest reporting him there. As for cheating and harassing players in game I have reported his actions to someone who can look into it. *Waves... Hey game hubby up there
  23. Bigtime bug exploiter on s29

    Those that can't get to forums ask them to try this.... from game click support, once on support click forums.. its a bit glitchy and i have to do that sometimes. I'm going to have a chat with one of the managers here, this guy shouldn't be getting away with that kind of behavior.
  24. Bigtime bug exploiter on s29

    Thank you both for your screen shots I will be passing on this information.
  25. Bigtime bug exploiter on s29

    Hello Paradigm. I do appreciate your concern about this, but I do think they would need to see a screenshot of anyone bragging about this or in regards to cheating before they could investigate further. I'm hoping this link will work for you, but if you are still concerned you could still contact the technical team and they could possibly look into any bugs there may be. https://www.creagames.com/en/support/11