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  1. Censorship in game

    how about having mods in chat and when they see something they can do a chat ban on player for certain amount of time. The worst it is the more time you get repeated offenders can get 24 hr bans so much better that this chat chat censor we got now .
  2. Will Star Seal ever be fixed?

    To anyone that is recharging you should really stop giving your hard earn cash to this game until they fix it properly otherwise this is just going to keep happening. Been on other games that had same problem because of daylight savings and they were able to fix their game and they even compensated the players . What do we get we get ..f.. over . So over it
  3. Will Star Seal ever be fixed?

  4. Will Star Seal ever be fixed?

    lol dont hold ya breath mate they never fix any thing properly this is ridiculous
  5. put a stop to people quitting in Duel

    apparently they did do something about people quitting in duel was told that the quit button was taken out (which wasn't done) if they quit on u they dont lose points and u dont lose points but if u had a victory streak say goodbye to that .Still think if someone quits on u they should lose points not the person who stayed in. You reading this support team still unfair in duel ....
  6. Selfish, Mean, Over Cashed, High Powered Boss Thiefs

    you guys have totally stuffed the cross server map its so bloody boring . PVP map that you cant even pvp on cause little crybabies like MysticSiren who btw steals loot wanted to be safe. please put it back to how it was
  7. Selfish, Mean, Over Cashed, High Powered Boss Thiefs

    Cross serve map is pvp you know when u fight another person ... So with all the changes that you have made to the map u might as well made it into a peace zone since anyone who pvp in there gets disadvantage but its ok for people to stand back and wait for the boss to be killed (right MysticSiren) and then try to loot peoples bosses. Wouldn't have this problem if the map was done on lvl and not on emblem and lvl like it is and new maps were added for the ones 250 + .If u dont like to pvp go play farmville